Wool (Visuals)

Travel - October 6, 2014

The weekend was great. Made a trip to Wool with Jermz and it was probably one of the best scenic places i have ever been so far. Bought our tickets a few days in advance online and got a discount because we had our railcards. We bought them at 47 pounds for a return trip. (2 pax). Took the 9.35am train at Waterloo, and getting there required 3 changes via the train > bus > train (due to weekend track servicing).
Bought our morning baguettes to have them on the train and we got the salmon benedict one. 
Upon reaching Wool station, we took a cab down to the cove which costed us 14 pounds. Near the visitor center was this famous ice cream place that so many people talked about online. We gave it a try. It was still drizzling when we got there, and while praying the rain would stop, we ate ice cream anyway. IN THE COLD.  
Ordered a scoop of the ginger ice cream & rum and raisin.
And the fabulous scenery starts from here. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. Breathtaking.
Because of the rain in the morning, the skies were slightly overcast and things were looking kinda grey. But thankfully it took awhile for the sky to clear up and it was blue and sunny again!
Off we go starting our climb up this hill / cliff thing that didn’t look so threatening from far. But as we climbed it, IT WAS STEEP?! We were practically panting our way up there. Luckily, the good view made up for the hike. It was like the exercise to cover for the whole year. 
The views were so surreal we went like “omg” almost every other minute. You need to be there to take it all in. 
Stopped for a hot drink when we reached somewhere up the top. Cute little coffee stand.
Durdle Door
Finally climbed downhill which felt like forever. Could feel our thighs and limbs cracking and falling apart by the time we were 3/4 the way down. Bought ourselves a celebratory scoop of ice cream (strawberry and cream) which was damn delicious by the way, and packets of homemade fudge to bring home. 
Settled at the restaurant for early dinner before going up to see the sunset. It was a good rest for our breaking limbs. 
Well, the sunset was beautiful, and the moon that was in the sky was shining bright too. What a good evening. 
Really glad we made the trip happen before winter kicks in. It definitely was a good 47 pounds spent. Took the train back into London and got home by midnight. 

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